Today is October 14th, Thursday. It was sunny day. I woke up at 8:00 this morning, and I went to a school at 9:00. I had two classes, Biology and Writting. The 1st class is Biology. I learned many kinds of DNA. The teacher taught us a ribosomal, mitochondrial, chioroplast, Golgi, chlorophyll, RNA, and granum. It were so difficult and too many for me to remember all of the words, but I have learned some words. So I took notes on the lecture.
After the class, I met my senior. She was ahead of behind me at KGU. Her name is Arisa. She and I talked for a long time with sitting on the bench until the 2nd class finished the time. We are very good friends. We talked about all thing each other. She is so kind for me, I like her very much. It was a lot of fun.
When it came to the lunch time, I went to a bakery to have a lunch box with my friends. There were 6 people of my friends. I had a lunch box on talking with friends. It was so fun. We talked each other.
After that, I went to the 4th class, Writting. I learned in English during I used a textbook. I talked about a cup and ball in the textbook. A cup and ball is traditional toy in Japanese. The toy was very difficult for me when I was a child. It has a red ball and it made of wood so it is light.
Today, I had to go to a student affairs office to report to results for scholarship. I went back to home when I finished to submit the results.
I have to go to a school to take two lectures just on time absolutely. I will go to bed earlier than an usual. See you.
After the class, I met my senior. She was ahead of behind me at KGU. Her name is Arisa. She and I talked for a long time with sitting on the bench until the 2nd class finished the time. We are very good friends. We talked about all thing each other. She is so kind for me, I like her very much. It was a lot of fun.
When it came to the lunch time, I went to a bakery to have a lunch box with my friends. There were 6 people of my friends. I had a lunch box on talking with friends. It was so fun. We talked each other.
After that, I went to the 4th class, Writting. I learned in English during I used a textbook. I talked about a cup and ball in the textbook. A cup and ball is traditional toy in Japanese. The toy was very difficult for me when I was a child. It has a red ball and it made of wood so it is light.
Today, I had to go to a student affairs office to report to results for scholarship. I went back to home when I finished to submit the results.
I have to go to a school to take two lectures just on time absolutely. I will go to bed earlier than an usual. See you.
308 words
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