
Yoshi's recipe

Giving instructions

According to Yoshi’s recipe, the fish and the lotus root are prepared separately. Below are his instructions for preparing the lotus root. So slice four thin slices. Now we have to put these in a bowl and cover them with vinegar immediately. Now make sure all the pieces are covered. Half a teaspoon of salt… Now the lotus root has to be soaked, too, and …so we have to make the mixture. …So let’s just transfer this over to the saucepan now. Then you should add the following ingredients: four tablespoons of sugar… Now we can take those pieces out and just put them over on the paper towel over there. Now stir it up. Now, we’re going to heat that for about a minute. We’ll let it cool for a few seconds and then we’ll add the lotus root and let that soak for maybe twenty minutes.


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